STEP 1 of 3

Delhi Public School, East of Kailash/Vasant Vihar (Junior School of DPS R K Puram)
Online Registration Form for Pre-School(Nursery) 2021-2022

1.All the fields in the form are compulsory. Write NA, if the entry is not applicable in your case
2.Use only Alphabets,numbers and spaces in the text enteries
3.Do not use any special characters (Such as SINGLE QUOTES ' DOUBLE QUOTES " COLON : SEMI COLON ; AMPERSAND & HYPHEN - ) in any of the entries of the form.
For example -
(a) Queen's should be entered as Queens
(b) Flat No: should be entered as Flat No
(c) "Enclave" should be entered as Enclave
(d) ABC Nagar; New Delhi should be entered as ABC Nagar, New Delhi
(e) ABC & XYZ School should be entered as ABC and XYZ School
(f) Part - I should be entered as Part I
4.In case you [REFRESH/RELOAD] Step 1 page on your browser, Re-check the following information very carefully
(a) Date of Birth (b) Gender (c) Residence Locality (d) Sibling Info (e) Alumni Info
5.Do not fill the form from Mobile devices.Compatible Internet Browsers: Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

School Applied For
Applicant Name
Date of Birth
Date of Birth (in words)

Non-Editable Auto-Display Date of Birth (in words), if not displayed
  • Enable Java Script in your broweser and re-load the form
  • OR you are using incompatible Internet Browser -
    Try using Mozilla Firefox OR Google Chrome

Aadhar Card No. Of the Child Type NA, in case Child does not have Aadhar Card.
Mother Tongue
Father Name
Mother Name
Guardian Name
Residence Localitiy

Check the radial map of localities before selecting residence locality option by clicking on the respective link
DPS Vasant Vihar | DPS East of Kailash
Residential Address
Pin Code
Residence Phone(Only Landline No.)
Sibling (Another real brother or sister presently studying at DPS R K Puram/Vasant Vihar/East of Kailash)
Admission No.
[Admission Number is Six Digit Number, with only first position as an alphabet]
Alumni Fill in (if Applicable) Alumni details (Alumni of DPS R K Puram School Only)
    Batch Board Roll.No  
        Mother Maiden Name
Staff Child Fill in (if Applicable) Staff Child details (Staff of Delhi Public School R.K Puram Only)
    School Name    
School Transport Required
Can You Provide Safe Transportation?
Parent Details  
Single Parent  
Father Mother (Click only if single parent)
Moblile No.
Email ID

[Authorization: I authorize the school to send message on mobile and/or email address mentioned above.]
Mobile No.
Email ID

[Authorization: I authorize the school to send message on mobile and/or email address mentioned above.]
Mobile No.
Email ID

[Authorization: I authorize the school to send message on mobile and/or email address mentioned above.]


I/We hereby certify that the above information provided by me/us is correct and I/we understand that if the information is found to be incorrect or false, the ward shall be automatically debarred from selection/admission process without any correspondence in this regard. I/We also understand that the application / registration / short listing does not guarantee admission to my ward. I/We accept the process of admission undertaken by the school and I/we will abide by the decision taken by the school authorities.
I/We authorise the school to send SMS and Email on our Mobile numbers and Email Addresses given above in the form.
I/We have checked all the information carefully.
I/We understand that the information provided by me is final and not subject to change.
I/We confirm the above

Web Team, DPS RKPuram
Mail to us for help : (Only in case of problem)
Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram, New Delhi. All Rights Reserved.