Message from the Secretary-General, DPSMUN 2008
On behalf of the DPS Society and the entire Conference Secretariat, I am honored to welcome you to the Delhi Public School Model United Nations Conference 2008. DPSMUN is an endeavor to make a difference in the way we think and take decisions that affect the global community. This Conference unravels a tradition of thinkers and diplomats in the making and has instilled in me, an undying passion for the Model United Nations. I am grateful for your overwhelming response and enthusiasm to participate at DPSMUN 2008.
A Model UN Conference is a simulation of the United Nations and international agencies. Students are given the opportunity to represent different countries as their respective ambassadors and deliberate on pressing issues of international importance. Delegates follow all Model UN rules of procedure to make speeches, prepare resolutions, negotiate with both allies and adversaries and finally come to a consensus, thereby resolving a conflict.
I often describe the perfect delegate as an amalgam of perseverance, hard work and dedication. A successful delegate is one who combines in-depth research with comprehensive articulation of the interests of the country he represents. Such a delegate goes beyond his national boundaries and takes into account the needs and aspirations of the world at large. He is able to present his arguments with conviction and mobilize support for his proposals, while, at the same time according due respect to delegates of other countries and presenting himself with a great deal of dignity and diplomacy.
A Model UN Conference is a wonderful learning experience and makes one more aware on a range of issues, which at DPSMUN 2008, include multinational terrorist groups, trade liberalization and the economy, access to primary education, rights of detainees and many others. A thriving conference helps you hone your debating and negotiating skills, gives you the opportunity to express your views and of course, boosts your confidence, exponentially.
“No one is born a good citizen; no nation is born a democracy. Rather, both are processes that continue to evolve over a lifetime. Young people must be included from birth. A society that cuts off from its youth severs its lifeline.”
—Kofi Annan, Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, 2001 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
As young delegates and future leaders, our future is in our hands. DPSMUN is only but a stepping stone on this path and each delegate participating at this conference is ordained to make a difference in our world, to change it for the better. We must light that inner fire in each one of us and fight against the injustices that plague our society without considering any social, cultural or religious differences. We are not citizens of just one country but citizens of the world and it is up to us to shape the world the way each one if us dreams it to be.
DPSMUN 2008 would not have been possible without the immense guidance accorded to us by UNA-USA, and I would like to convey our deep gratitude for their tremendous support at every step. The Conference Secretariat has been working relentlessly to make each day of the conference an enriching experience, setting new milestones in learning, evolving and forging new friendships.
I hope this conference will be a memorable experience for each one of us, one that we will always cherish. Together we will make DPSMUN 2008 a success and I wish you all the best.

Ishaan Sethi